Selasa, 05 Mei 2015


Awal nya ku beranggapan  “CINTA SEJATI” hanya berlaku dalam cerita dongeng atau serial drama. Namun, anggapan ku tentang semua itu terpatahkan ketika ku menyaksikan sebuah  video di youtube yang di suguhkan oleh dosen tercinta TIK ku , “Aku mencari istri yang setia untuk suamiku “ yap itulah judul video yang saya dan teman satu kelas saya tonton . Memang dari judul nya saja TRAGIS, Apakah ada seorang stri yang rela mencari istri yang baru untuk suami nya?,sedangkan usia pernikahan mereka dapat dikatakan baru seumur jagung ?, sedangkan mereka berdua saling mencintai satu sama lain?.WOW semua pertanyaan itu yang ada di benak ku seolah terenyah bagaikan di samabar petir di siang hari.

Kisah cinta mengharukan ini datang dari sebuah acara televisi di China. Dalam tayangan video tersebut, tampil seorang wanita yang memohon bantuan penonton untuk mencarikan suaminya kekasih baru. Wanita itu menderita tumor otak stadium akhir . Wanita bernama Ying Feng tersebut tampil di acara iDream of China. Acara yang diproduksi Zhejiang Satellite Television itu tayang sejak 2011. Program televisi tersebut memberikan kesempatan pada siapapun yang ingin mewujudkan impiannya. Peserta harus menceritakan kisah mereka pada sebuah panel yang terdiri dari sponsor, bintang tamu spesial dan 300 penonton. Jika sponsor menganggap cerita peserta itu menarik, mereka akan membantu mewujudkan mimpi tersebut. Namun sebelumnya untuk membuat impian itu terjadi, peserta harus mendapat persetujuan dari 240 dari 300 penonton yang hadir.sungguh tidak masuk akal bukan,seorang istri mencari istri yang baru lagi untuk suami yang di cintai nya.

Menurut ku  tindakan yang di lakukan oleh Ying Feng patut di contoh ,karena menurut ku jika kita benar – benar mencintai seseorang kita harus menjaga,merawat,menyayangi dengan sepenuh hati sampai kita tidak ada di dunia yang fana ini alias meninggal. Ying Feng rela mengikuti sebuah acara idream of china walaupun dalam tayangan video tersebut suami Ying Feng tidak tau sebenar nya apa impian yang di inginkan oleh Ying Feng, Ying Feng menceritakan kepada penonton bahwa dia menderita penyakit Tumor otak stadium empat atau akhir . Ia mengatakan bahwa ia tidak rela jika tidak ada yang merawat dan menjaga suami nya jika operasi yang di lakukan Ying Feng gagal.Untuk itulah ia mencari istri yang baru walaupun menurut ku terkesan lebay karena di siarkan di media atau di publikasikan ke khalayak ramai.
Nah ,cerita mengharukan Ying Feng bermula dari pertemuannya dengan suaminya, Haibin Yang yang berprofesi sebagai pegawai kantor pos. Keduanya bertemu di sebuah rumah sakit. Wanita 23 tahun itu dirawat di rumah sakit karena menderita tumor otak stadium empat yang berarti stadium tertinggi atau kritis. Sementara Haibin dirawat karena kecelakaan.

Perkenalan mereka berawal dari sebuah aplikasi situs jejaring sosial. Saat tidak bisa tidur dia akan berselancar di dunia maya dengan bermain-main di situs jejaring sosial tersebut. Situs jejaring sosial itu memiliki fitur yang bisa membuat pengguna tahu siapa saja orang di sekitar mereka juga sedang online. Dari sanalah dia bisa menemukan Haibin.

Keesokan harinya Ying dan Haibin bertemu di rumah sakit. Panah asmara langsung tertancap pada keduanya. Haibin menyatakan cintanya pada Ying. Meskipun sangat menyukai pria tersebut, Ying menolak perasaan cinta Haibin karena sadar pada kondisi kesehatannya. Penolakan tersebut tidak diterima sang pria. Dia tetap bersikukuh menjadikan Ying kekasih. Satu bulan setelah ditolak, dia kembali datang ke rumah sakit tempat Ying dirawat. Kali ini dia membawa megaphone dan menyatakan cintanya serta melamar.

Secara diam-diam, tanpa sepengetahuan orangtua Haibin, pasangan yang dimabuk cinta itu mendaftarkan pernikahan mereka pada September 2013 lalu. Pernikahan tanpa restu itu akhirnya ketahuan juga dan orangtua Haibin menolak anaknya menikah dengan wanita yang sakit parah. Meski demikian Haibin bertekad mempertahankan pernikahannya dengan Ying. Dia sampai bersimpuh seharian memohon agar orangtuanya memberi restu. Dan pada akhirnya restu tersebut didapatkannya. Keduanya pun benar-benar resmi menikah pada 2 Maret 2014 lalu.

Saat menceritakan mengenai rencana operasinya, Ying terkesan optimis dan ceria, dia tetap memiliki kekhawatiran. Dan kekhawatiran itu bukan tentang kesempatan hidupnya, melainkan mengenai ketakutannya kehilangan suami yang dicintainya dengan sangat. Selama ini suaminya sudah begitu baik padanya. Setiap hari Haibin dengan setia merawatnya saat dia dalam kondisi terpuruk. Pria tersebut menggendongnya naik-turun tangga dan membantunya mencuci kakinya setiap hari. Dia ingin membalas kebaikan suaminya itu dengan memberikan pendamping baru pada pria itu jika saja dia tidak selamat setelah menjalani operasi.

Kisah cinta tanpa syarat,kisah cinta yang benar-benar kisah cinta sejati,kisah cinta cetar membahana badai gilak ,kisah cinta buta ,ya atau kisah cinta apalah-apalah pokok nya patut di contoh oleh pasangan kekasih baik yang udah nikah maupun yang belum ,,, yang jomblo jangan contoh loh ,soal nya gak punya pasangan :P hehehe
Baiklah apa yang dilakukan oleh Haibin untuk mencintai istri nya sebut saja dia Ying Feng dengan mencintai seluruh nya baik kelebihan maupun kekurangan nya patut di acungkan jempol. Cinta  sejati antara Haibin dan Ying Feng menurut ku sudah jarang sekali di jumpai di saat ini. Karena zaman sekarang sih menurut ku mencintai seseorang di lihat dari kelebihan nya aja contoh mencintai seseorang karena dia cantik,ganteng,kaya atau yang apalah-apalah . itulah alasan mengapa selama 19 tahun ini aku masih belum mendapatkan seseorang yang cucok markotop di hatiku ( SORRY,KOK MALAH CURHAT SIH ,HEHEHE ) .
Yah gini deh aku kasih beberapa kata-kata tentang cinta ,ASYIK ( Padahal single tuh )
Oke lah ,
1.      Jika kita mencintai seseorang jangan melihat dari kelebihan nya saja dari pasangan kita namun kita juga harus menerima kekurangan nya meskipun dalam bentuk apalah-apalah ( apapun )
2.      Kekurangan yang dimiliki oleh pasangana kita jangan jadikan sebuah beban bagi kita,malah kita harus menutupi kekurangan pasangan kita dengan kelebihan yang kita miliki. Seperti kisah cinta romantis nya ROMEO AND JULIET nya versi china yaitu kisah cinta Haibin dan Ying .
3.      Malasah atau kesedihan yang di miliki oleh pasangan kita jadikan sebagai masalah atau kesedihan kita juga , yah kalau pasangan kita lagi sedih ya di hibur atau kalau pasanagan kita punya masalah cobalah untuk menyelesaikan nya dengan bersama –sama .seperti masalah yang di hadapi Ying yang berjuang mati-matian untuk bisa menyebuhkan penyakit Tumor nya,pasangan nya rela berjuang  untuk membiayai operasi istrinya tersebut dengan menjual sebuah satu-satu nya rumah yang ia miliki.
4.      Kalau kita benar-benar cinta sama orang perjuangin seluruh nya bahakan sampai mati.
5.      Yang terakhir kalau kita cinta sama seseorang jangan terlalu cinta berlebihan sampai-sampai rasa cinta kita sama ALLAH SWT  malah berkurang dan berfokous pada cinta sama pasangan kita . jadikan cinta kita kepada pasangan adalah wujud rasa syukur kepada ALLAH SWT karena telah memberikan suatu cinta yang bermakana yang tidak hanya cinta kepada yang menciptakan kita tetapi cinta terhadap sesama makhluk nya ,termasuk cinta kita terhadap pasangan.
6.      Kalau bisa kisah cinta yang kita miliki dengan pasangan kita jangan di umbar-umbar di media sosial karena menurut ku terkesan lebay dan menurut ku tidak pantas untuk di konsumsi untuk khalayak ramai yah mungkin karena kita bukan selebritis terkenal.

Yah itulah sedikit cerita cinta ( Bohong , padahal banyak cerita nya )  yang aku ceritakan kepada pembaca setia blog ku . nah aku harapin mudah-mudahan yang single terutama jomblo untuk tidak berputus asa untuk mencari cinta yang benar-benar sejati di zaman baholak sekarang ini. Jangan pesimis  dan jangan pantang menyerah untuk  menemukan cinta sejati ya ...karena aku juga tidak akan menyerah juga untuk menemukan cinta sejati ( Loh,malah CURCOL lagi ). Ya udah lah hehe ...

Nah,kalau teman-teman pada mau menyaksikan video tentang kisah cinta sejati ini ,aku akan memeberikan link nya secara GRUATISSS TIS TIS TISSSS  ,ini dia : 


Minggu, 03 Mei 2015


The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive. There are so many of us who will have to live with things done and things left undone. Things that did not go right, things that seemed okay at the time because we could not see the future. If only we could see the endless string of consequences that result from our smallest actions.” – John Green, Looking For Alaska
But life only moves forward, and once the doors of yesterday are closed, there is no going back. We are human—imperfect beings bound to make mistakes. Our mistakes are necessary, vital for our growth, understanding of life, and journey of self-discovery.  
There will always be people in life who will hurt us and let us down; they’re human too. We think that by holding onto our feelings of hate and anger that we are damaging those who have pained us, but in reality we are only furthering our own pain—only extending our stay in the labyrinth. 
To forgive does not mean to forget. It simply means to let go. To let go of what has happened in the past, to release yourself of the damaging feelings, and to be free of the hurt. 
Shame and hate directed towards oneself keeps us prisoners to the labyrinth for the longest. There will always be times in our life when our performance will fall short of the expectation, whether they be our own hopes or those of someone else. 
We can choose to let shame and sadness consume us because we didn’t “do it right”, because we "could have done better”, because it wasn’t perfect. Or we can acknowledge that in life, nothing is everlasting. That opportunities are given to us everyday, each moment, and forgiveness of our mistakes gives way for their presence in our lives.
But most of all, we can choose to forgive ourselves.
To treat our hurting soul like an old friend, with warmth, compassion, and understanding. You can choose to learn from the hurt, gain strength from the pain, and utilize the sour of the situation to truly appreciate the sweet of happiness.

You can choose to forgive and to let go. Your attitude is yours for the choosing. 
We may play a major role in bringing ourselves into the labyrinth of suffering, but we are also the key that leads to the way out. 


Play Music
"Thinking Out Loud"

When your legs don't work like they used to before
And I can't sweep you off of your feet
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?

And, darling, I will be loving you 'til we're 70
And, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at 23
And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just the touch of a hand
Well, me - I fall in love with you every single day
And I just wanna tell you I am

So honey now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are

When my hair's all but gone and my memory fades
And the crowds don't remember my name
When my hands don't play the strings the same way (mmm...)
I know you will still love me the same

'Cause honey your soul could never grow old, it's evergreen
And, baby, your smile's forever in my mind and memory
I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe it's all part of a plan
Well, I'll just keep on making the same mistakes
Hoping that you'll understand

That, baby, now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
Thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are (oh ohh)

La la la la la la la la la

So, baby, now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Oh, darling, place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are
Oh, baby, we found love right where we are
And we found love right where we are

Sabtu, 02 Mei 2015

20 things I should have known at 20.

Okay. The title makes this post seem kind of weird because I still have a long way to go before I reach the age of 20. However, this doesn’t really have anything to do with being 20 years old. I was browsing the other night when I came across this blog post. I think there are some pretty good life lessons that can be applied by anyone, especially for the youngsters just like me. So I thought I might share the 20 things with all of you.

1. The world is trying to keep you stupid. From bank fees to interest rates to miracle diets, people who are not educated are easier to get money from and easier to lead. Educate yourself as much as possible for wealth, independence, and happiness.
2. Do not have faith in institutions to educate you. By the time they build the curriculum, it’s likely that the system is outdated– sometimes utterly broken. You both learn and get respect from people worth getting it from by leading and doing, not by following.
3. Read as much as you can. Learn to speed read with high retention. Emerson Spartz taught me this while I was at a Summit Series event. If he reads 2-3 books a week, you can read one.
4. Connect with everyone, all the time. Be genuine about it. Learn to find something you like in each person, and then speak to that thing.
5. Don’t waste time being shy. Shyness is the belief that your emotions should be the arbitrators of your decision making process when the opposite is actually true.
6. If you feel weird about something during a relationship, that’s usually what you end up breaking up over.
7. Have as much contact as possible with older people. Personally, I met people at Podcamps. My friend Greg, at the age of 13, met his first future employer sitting next to him on a plane. The reason this is so valuable is because people your age don’t usually have the decision-making ability to help you very much. Also they know almost everything you will learn later, so ask them.
8. Find people that are cooler than you and hang out with them too. This and the corollary are both important: “don’t attempt to be average inside your group. Continuously attempt to be cooler than them (by doing cooler things, being more laid back, accepting, ambitious, etc.).”
9. You will become more conservative over time. This is just a fact. Those you surround yourself with create a kind of “bubble” that pushes you to support the status quo. For this reason, you need to do your craziest stuff NOW. Later on, you’ll become too afraid. Trust me.
10. Reduce all expenses as much as possible. I mean it. This creates a safety net that will allow you to do the crazier shit I mentioned above.
11. Instead of getting status through objects (which provide only temporary boosts), do it through experiences. In other words, a trip to Paris is a better choice than a new wardrobe. Studies show this also boosts happiness.
12. While you are living on the cheap, solve the money problem. Use the internet, because it’s like a cool little machine that helps you do your bidding. If you are currently living paycheck to paycheck, extend that to three weeks instead of two. Then, as you get better, you can think a month ahead, then three months, then six, and finally a year ahead. (The goal is to get to a point where you are thinking 5 years ahead.)
14. Get a six-pack (or get thin, whatever your goal is) while you are young. Your hormones are in a better place to help you do this at a younger age. Don’t waste this opportunity, trust me.
15. Learn to cook. This will make everything much easier and it turns food from a chore + expensive habit into a pleasant + frugal one. I’m a big Jamie Oliver fan, but whatever you like is fine.
16. Sleep well. This and cooking will help with the six pack. If you think “I can sleep when I’m dead” or “I have too much to do to sleep,” I have news for you: you are INEFFICIENT, and sleep deprivation isn’t helping.
17. Get a reminder app for everything. Do not trust your own brain for your memory. Do not trust it for what you “feel like” you should be doing. Trust only the reminder app. I use RE.minder and Action Method.
18. Choose something huge to do, as well as allowing the waves of opportunity to help you along. If you don’t set goals, some stuff may happen, but if you do choose, lots more will.
19. Get known for one thing. Spend like 5 years doing it instead of flopping around all over the place. If you want to shift afterwards, go ahead. Like I said, choose something.
20. Don’t try to “fix” anyone. Instead, look for someone who isn’t broken.
Written by: Julian Smith

"‘My right to love"

It’s not all about sex
It’s about companionship
It’s about love.
My right to love
My right to be loved
My right to love whosoever I want to
My right to be loved by whosoever I want…

A question…
Aren’t we all living to earn love?
I am living to earn much more love
I yearn to be a better human everyday so that I am loved
I am loved more and more
In my lifetime and even after I die
Can you think of a thing above love?
Respect, that comes out of love.
Admiration, that’s another form of love.
Popularity, only if more and more people love.
Money, it has bought all but love.
When it’s all about love
Then let’s be human, play equal
Act modern, be liberal.
You love whosoever you like
Let me love whosoever I like
Let’s not complicate things which are so obvious, so natural.

Jumat, 01 Mei 2015

Five ways to win my heart.


Make me feel comfortable. 

There are days where I don’t feel like getting out of the house, changing my sweats, or doing anything at all. And I’d want a guy who can see me on those kind of days and look at me and think I’m just as beautiful. I need to be able to feel comfortable with telling him anything and everything too, no matter how dumb or irrelevant or personal or weird, whatever it is. I don’t wanna feel like I’m always putting up my best to impress a guy, cause that wouldn’t be the real me.

Talk about your dreams, goals, hobbies, and interests. 

When a guy is goal oriented, and the passion that he feels for these things burns from within, this makes me beam. And it’s actually a pretty big turn on. 

“Don't choose the better man, choose the man who makes you a better woman”. 

He should accept me as I am, but make me want to be better. I am far from perfect. I constantly make mistakes. My life is sort of a mess and so am I. Like this common phrase, “if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” However, I am always looking for opportunities to learn and grow. He shouldn’t try to change me, but through his examples, through his existence in my life, I should want to improve myself. In any small way. I like people who can turn me on intellectually. People who make me think, challenge me to go beyond how I already think. Give me some fresh perspective. If I can’t find those opportunities to learn and grow with a guy, I will learn and grow away from him.

Make me laugh. 

I’m pretty much a quiet girl and not really a laugh-at-things type of person, it takes quite a while for me to be loose with others, especially when I’m out of my comfort zone. So if a guy can make me laugh genuinely and give me a descent conversation, he’s probably won a part of me.

Get me flowers.

 Who doesn’t love flowers? I think they’re perfect for almost any occasion. I especially love roses. Be it red, white or pink ones. Roses are beautiful and I think they can symbolize love perfectly.  Flowers just make me feel incredibly happy.